JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023

Institute of Health Economics

This listing is inactive.
Chief Executive Officer

JOE ID Number: 2022-02_111470844
Date Posted: 11/23/2022
Date Inactive: 01/31/2023
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
JEL Classification: I1 -- Health
Health Economics
Salary Range: $225,000 - $275,000
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Institute of Health Economics (IHE) is a highly regarded, Canadian, independent, not-for-profit organization with key competencies in health economics, health technology assessment, and knowledge transfer/exchange. Their mission is to consistently provide relevant, timely and impactful evidence that supports informed health system policy and investment decisions by public and private partners.

The IHE has broad linkages within academic, private, and public sectors on provincial, national, and international levels. This allows broad access to expertise, which amplifies the contribution of the organization via network retrieval and dissemination of evidence and information.

The CEO will report directly to the Board of Directors and will build on the existing reach and reputation not only provincially, but nationally and internationally, thereby continuing to diversify the breadth of funders.

The ideal candidate brings a PhD in Health Economics, with an extensive background in research. Exceptional relationship and strategic visioning skills will be required. Ideally, they will have broad leadership experience across multiple sectors (academics, government, and private sector) with in-depth focus on health economics and policy.

To learn more please visit to see the position profile.

Application Requirements:
  • Application Instructions Below
Application deadline: 01/05/2023
Application Instructions:
Inquiries, nominations, and applications are invited. Interested candidates should submit confidentially, in electronic form (Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files preferred) a Curriculum Vitae, a 2-page summary of relevant accomplishments, and a letter of interest to by January 5th, 2023.