JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Chicago, Illinois, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
D1 -- Household Behavior and Family Economics
D6 -- Welfare Economics
D9 -- Micro-Based Behavioral Economics
I1 -- Health
I2 -- Education and Research Institutions
I3 -- Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty
J1 -- Demographic Economics
Early Childhood Development
Full Text of JOE Listing:
The Center for the Economics of Human Development is looking for research professionals for a number of projects related to the economics of early childhood development, and related topics. Candidates of all levels will be considered. Terms of at least two years are preferred; permanent positions are available.
Research professional(s) will work collaboratively with Director Professor James Heckman, and/or Executive Director (Alison Baulos) and CEHD researchers, to build a portfolio that extends to work with senior research affiliates, global partners, and community collaborators. Projects include: longitudinal analysis of Perry and Abecedarian programs; formulating new studies on omnibus programs such as Head Start; designing a home visiting RCT in Chicago; and additional ideas will be considered.
Research professionals will lead development of project scopes, conduct literature reviews, identify datasets, organize data, conduct statistical analysis, and write academic publications as a coauthor. They may also participate in writing grants, giving presentations, and participate in meetings with funders and policymakers.
Candidates should have completed (or be near completing) a Bachelor’s, Master’s or graduate degree in economics and will have: (i) a strong quantitative background; (ii) excellent programming skills; (iii) past experience with research, including independent work or work as a research assistant.
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link