JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023

Luohan Academy

This listing is inactive.
Economist/Senior Economist

JOE ID Number: 2023-01_111471601
Date Posted: 03/07/2023
Date Inactive: 07/31/2023
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Economist/Senior Economist
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, CHINA
JEL Classification: 00 -- 00 - Default: Any Field
Digital Economy
Platform Economy
Data Economics
Environmental, Society, and Governance (ESG)
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Luohan Academy is an open research institute based in Hangzhou, China. It was established by Alibaba Group and a group of world-renowned social scientists in 2018 to promote research and dialogue on the social and economic dimensions of the ongoing digital revolution.

We collaborate with world-class social scientists and practitioners to explore, analyze and learn about the ongoing (digital) transformation of society and economy worldwide. Our research areas include the digital economy, platform economy, and issues related to ESG. With rich first-hand experience and privileged data accumulated in a rapidly growing digital economy, Luohan Academy is a perfect place to study the socio-economic impact of digital technology.

Candidates eager to explore the frontier questions in the digital economy and willing to adapt to an open research environment are encouraged to apply. We hire on a rolling basis throughout the year. Please complete applications through the JOE system. For more detailed information on the opportunities of the Academy, please email us at

For more information about Luohan Academy, the Job Description, and Qualifications, please refer to the previous post:

Application Requirements:
• Cover Letter
• Curriculum Vitae
• Job Market Paper
• Research Statement
• Teaching Evaluations
• Three Letters of Reference

Application Requirements:
  • Research Statement
  • Letters of Reference
  • Teaching Evaluations
  • Job Market Paper
  • Cover Letter
  • CV
Application deadline: 03/31/2023
  • Application Deadline Has Passed