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Building a family dynasty

May 24, 2021
How much do extended family members impact the growth of human capital for future generations?
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Trickle down corruption

May 19, 2021
Revelations of political malfeasance in Mexico led to a deterioration in ethical norms among students.
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School spending matters

May 10, 2021
State funding cuts during the Great Recession had lasting effects on student outcomes.
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Decomposing news shocks

May 5, 2021
How do expectations about the future supply of oil affect today’s oil prices?
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The risk of research

April 12, 2021
How do companies weigh the tradeoffs with R&D investment?
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Free movement and labor markets

April 7, 2021
A policy reform in Switzerland helped estimate the effect of foreign workers on native employment and wages.
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Deadly deadlines

March 29, 2021
“Desk-clearing” by drug agencies has consequences for public safety.