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Investing in themselves

May 20, 2020
Displaced migrants often prioritize their education over physical assets when they resettle, leading to generational consequences.
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A dearth of ideas

May 6, 2020
It's taking more resources to keep up with the same pace of growth.
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Gendered medicine

April 22, 2020
How does homophily help explain the gender gap among physicians?
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Stealing trade secrets

April 13, 2020
How much does state-sponsored industrial espionage pay?
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Time to adjust

April 8, 2020
Do immigrants to the US assimilate more slowly than they used to?
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Connecting across disciplines

March 25, 2020
Other fields in the social sciences have been increasingly citing economics research. Has economics become more outward-looking, too?
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Will work for insurance

March 16, 2020
Americans put off retirement to keep employer-provided prescription drug benefits.