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A puzzling development

March 2, 2020
India has grown a lot in the past three decades, but it’s been uneven. Can that continue?
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Navigating reality

February 26, 2020
How do maps shape economic decisions with the information they convey?
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Join the club

February 18, 2020
Safe spaces for young girls in Africa helped them take control of their lives.
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Foreign investment

February 12, 2020
Public research universities in states that have had severe funding cuts for higher education have also had large gains in international students.
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Unfortunate sons

February 3, 2020
Evidence from the Vietnam War shows how parents’ experiences can have a long-lasting impact on their children.
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Judging on gender

December 30, 2019
Student opinions of an instructor evolve differently depending on whether they're being taught by a man or woman.