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You can’t buy honesty

December 23, 2019
Boosting public sector wages might attract candidates more prone to corruption.
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Putting forth their best effort?

December 18, 2019
US students are falling behind their peers in other countries on academic assessments. How much of the gap could be explained by lackluster effort?
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From start to finish

December 9, 2019
Preschool is more effective when paired with more K-12 spending. And vice versa.
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Screened out

December 4, 2019
How do increased "application costs" for disability benefits affect who gets assistance?
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The factions of populism

November 20, 2019
Economic nationalist and isolationist policies being championed in western Europe include groups across the political spectrum.
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Kids and job inequality

November 6, 2019
Becoming a parent impacts career prospects, but hurts women much more than men.
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Blue-collar blues

October 23, 2019
How does the decline of manufacturing jobs affect marriage prospects for young men?
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Staying put or moving on?

October 15, 2019
A housing law in San Francisco offers lessons for today’s rent-control debates.