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The downside of universal child care

October 9, 2019
Plenty of research finds positive effects of early childhood education. But can it ever have negative consequences?
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Coping without benefits

September 30, 2019
What happens to household spending when unemployment insurance dries up?
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Less talk. More work.

September 16, 2019
What does socializing on the job do to productivity?
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The lessons of 9/11

September 11, 2019
Have counter-terrorism efforts by the US protected its interests?
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A community college booster

August 28, 2019
A CUNY program was effective at increasing graduation rates at 2-year postsecondary institutions.
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Unbiased results

August 19, 2019
Many research fields are plagued with publication bias. A new statistical technique can help correct the problem.
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Paying for kidneys

August 14, 2019
What are the moral calculations people make when it comes to compensating organ donors?