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Party favors

December 12, 2018
Do competitive elections curb party favoritism?
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Helping the "missing middle"

December 3, 2018
Lifting people out of extreme poverty will require more than giving poor countries money.
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Man vs machine

November 28, 2018
Robots take jobs, but create new ones too. Which will happen faster?
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Waiting for the windfall

November 19, 2018
How do financial considerations influence discharge decisions at long-term acute-care hospitals?
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November 14, 2018
The Taliban recognized the importance of elections and made them a primary target.
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A shock to civility

November 5, 2018
When liberalized trade caused foreign competition to increase in Brazil, crime went up, too.
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Hurt on the job

October 22, 2018
States are trying to rein in workers' compensation costs. How does that affect earnings for injured employees?
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On the wrong track

October 17, 2018
An education reform at the University of Cape Town offers lessons on grouping students by academic achievement.