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Take it to the bank

October 3, 2018
How payment methods determine the amount you save
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Job killer or creator?

September 24, 2018
What impact did a $15 per hour minimum wage have on the employment rate in three cities?
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Back to school

September 19, 2018
Providing more information to prospective students encourages a return to school.
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Working late in life

September 10, 2018
What impact do government support programs for seniors have on their participation in the labor market?
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The threat of ethnic politics

August 22, 2018
Misbehavior among Kenyan police officers increased following the rise of tribal politics.
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Refusing to act on climate change

August 13, 2018
The outlook for meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement doesn't look good in an era of minimal policy intervention.
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Rejecting the party line

July 30, 2018
How does the roll-call order relate to whether a Senator breaks ranks on a vote?
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Protecting American jobs?

July 25, 2018
Immigration barriers intended to boost domestic wages and employment may offer little help to US workers.