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Research Highlights Article

You have the right to an attorney

June 6, 2017
Expanding access to legal counsel would benefit criminal suspects, but what about everybody else?
Research Highlights Article

Should I be a Good Samaritan?

May 17, 2017
An interview with Ted Bergstrom about how game theory helps us understand when we would assist a stranded traveler.
Research Highlights Article

Beyond the wall

May 12, 2017
Evidence that just the threat of stricter immigration enforcement can deter newcomers
Research Highlights Article

Educating more effective politicians

April 28, 2017
Video from the AEA about what happens when a better educated generation gets involved in local politics
Research Highlights Article

An interview with Dave Donaldson

April 24, 2017
The 2017 John Bates Clark Medalist speaks with the AEA about his career and offers advice for young economists