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Research Highlights Article

Sticky wages and recessions

November 11, 2019
Unemployment in Indian villages was exacerbated when laborers resisted pay cuts during bad times.
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Kids and job inequality

November 6, 2019
Becoming a parent impacts career prospects, but hurts women much more than men.
Research Highlights Article

Motivated to serve and protect

November 4, 2019
New study explores the trustworthiness of applicants to the German police force.
Research Highlights Article

Pulling up the jobs ladder

October 30, 2019
When the employed start looking for work, they can crowd out the unemployed.
Research Highlights Article

Weighing the impacts of fracking

October 25, 2019
How should local communities think about the economic and welfare consequences of natural gas development?
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Blue-collar blues

October 23, 2019
How does the decline of manufacturing jobs affect marriage prospects for young men?
Research Highlights Article

Mission insurance

October 21, 2019
Sometimes foundations should invest in the unethical companies they’re trying to undercut.