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Spurring work, not wages

June 10, 2019
A tax cut for young Swedish workers turned out very differently than traditional economic theory would predict.
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Digging deeper into debt

June 7, 2019
Why would anybody want to keep taking on expensive high-interest loans?
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China's embrace of robots

June 5, 2019
The world's second largest economy has become a global leader in its adoption of robotic technology.
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Introducing AER: Insights

May 28, 2019
The AEA interviews editor Amy Finkelstein about the launch of the organization's newest journal.
Research Highlights Article

A token of trust

May 24, 2019
How important are monetary systems in getting people to cooperate in large-scale interactions?
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Different management styles

May 22, 2019
What drives the variety of approaches to running an organization within the same company?