Photos from the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA Welcome Reception
ASSA 2025 Entrance
ASSA Registration
ASSA Registration
John List presenting at the new Recent Developments series on "Experimental Economics and Field Experiments"
Richard Frank speaking at "Who Cares? Care, Care Work, and Family Leave Policies"
Aisha Yusuf presenting at the CSMGEP 2025 Dissertation Session
Rebecca Diamond presenting at "Advances in Measurement of Wealth, Nonwage Income, and Inequality"
CSWEP Mentoring Breakfast for Junior Economists
CSWEP Mentoring Breakfast for Junior Economists
CSWEP Mentoring Breakfast for Junior Economists
Amanda Bayer and William Bosshardt presenting at "Relevance, Belonging, and Growth in Economic Education"
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
ASSA Registration
Exhibit Hall
Anahita Karandikar presenting at "Gender in Developing Countries"
Alexander Frankel presenting at "The Evolving Role of Test-Optional Admissions in Higher Education"
(L to R) Tom Mitchell and Erik Brynjolfsson presenting at "AI and the Future of Work"
Jermaine Toney presenting at "Stratification Economics Insights for Racialized Housing Dynamics"
Audience at "AI and the Future of Work"
Exhibit Hall
Hallway conversations
AEA Champagne Reception for Head Table of AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon
AEA President Janet Currie and former AEA President Ben Bernanke
(L to R) AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon speaker Emi Nakamura, former AEA President Christina Romer, and Jón Steinsson
(L to R) Markus Brunnermeier, Claudia Goldin, and Ben Bernanke, Head Table, AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon
AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon
AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon
AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon Speaker Emi Nakamura, presenting "Being Rational about Rational Expectations"
Jin-Wook Chang presenting "Rewiring Repo" at AEA Poster Sessions
AEA Poster Sessions
Sarah Akyena presenting "The Earned Income Tax Credit and Occupational SKill Mismatch" at AEA Poster Sessions
AEA Poster Sessions
Tisha Emerson presenting at "Research in Economic Education"
Noam Angrist presenting at "Frontiers for Analysis of Experiments and Clinical Trials"
Sarah Reber presenting at "Lessons on Income Support"
Nicholas Bloom speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "The Future of Working from Home"
Tatjana Dahlhaus presenting at "Big Data and Advances in Economic Statistics"
Elaine Tontoh receives the Professional Development Grant Award for URM Faculty
Manasi Deshpande receiving the AEJ: Applied Economics Best Paper Award
Yalun Su receiving the AEJ: Applied Economics Best Paper Award
Giovanni Ricco receiving the AEJ: Macroeconomics Best Paper Award
Simon Board and Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn receiving the AEJ: Microeconomics Best Paper Award
Sendhil Mullainathan giving the 2025 AEA Distinguished Lecture on "Economics in the Age of Algorithms"
Audience at the 2025 AEA Distinguished Lecture
Audience at the 2025 AEA Distinguished Lecture
AEA President-elect Larry Katz and AEA Distinguished Lecturer Sendhil Mullainathan
CSWEP Reception to honor 2023 Nobel Laureate Claudia Goldin
President-elect Larry Katz, CSWEP Honoree Claudia Goldin, and CSWEP President Linda Tesar
CSWEP Honoree and Nobel Laureate Claudia Goldin Addressing Audience
Wendy Stock (center) receiving the Distinguished Economic Education Award from AEA-CEE President Tisha Emerson and John Siegfried
(L to R) Jason Furman, Ben Bernanke, Christina Romer, and John Cochrane at the "Inflation and the Macroeconomy" Panel
Sai Madhurika Mamunuru presenting at "A Fresh Look at the Future of the Intermediate Microeconomics Course"
John Haltiwanger presenting at "Accessing Confidential Federal Data for Research Purposes: Recent Advances"
Guido Imbens speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "Estimation of Causal Effects with Panel Data"
The AEA booth in the Exhibit Hall
(L to R) Jim Poterba, George Akerlof, Stacey Tevlin, AEA Pres-Elect Larry Katz, and Chad Jones at the "Remembering Robert Solow, 1924-2023" Panel
CPC Chair Renee Bowen addressing the CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference: Best and Worst Practices in Economics Departments
Şahin Ayşegül speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "Macro Labor"
Andrew Gray presenting at "Promoting Diversity in Economics: Exploring the Effects of Introductory Economics Course Experiences on Students’ Continuation in the Discipline"
Amanda Bayer speaking at the CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference on "Best and Worst Practices in Economics Departments"
Discussions from the floor at the CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference
CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference
CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference
CPC/CSWEP Chairs' Conference
Claudia Goldin and attendees at the inaugural AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
AEA President-elect Larry Katz welcoming attendees of the inaugural AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
AEA President-elect Larry Katz welcoming attendees of the inaugural AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
Guido Imbens and attendees at the AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
CSWEP President Linda Tesar presents the 2024 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award to Sandra E. Black
CSWEP President Linda Tesar presents the 2024 Elaine Bennett Research Prize to Maryam Farboodi
(L to R) Muhammad Meki, Ted Miguel, Nicholas Tyack, and Pallavi Panda at the AEA Mentoring and Networking Luncheon
AEA-CEE Poster Sessions
AEA-CEE Poster Sessions
(L to R) Nicholas Bloom, Orley Ashenfelter, Erzo Luttmer, and John List at the "Advice on Publishing in Economics and Science Journals" panel
Ludwig Straub speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "Macroeconomics with Heterogeneous Agents"
Jessie Handbury presenting at "The Retail Transformation"
Stephie Fried presenting at the "CSQIEP Environmental & Energy Economics Session"
Reception for AEA Award Recipients
Reception for AEA Award Recipients
Reception for AEA Award Recipients
(L to R) David Romer, former AEA Presidents Christina Romer, Susan Athey, and Claudia Goldin at the AEA Awards Ceremony
AEA Awards Ceremony
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Distinguished Service Award to Rachel T.A. Croson
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Distinguished Fellow Award to William A. “Sandy” Darity, Jr.
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Distinguished Fellow Award to Bronwyn H. Hall
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Distinguished Fellow Award to John Haltiwanger
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Distinguished Fellow Award to Margaret C. Simms
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the 2024 John Bates Clark Medal to Philipp Strack
Clark Medalist Philipp Strack
AEA President Janet Currie giving the Presidental Address, "Investing in Children to Address the Youth Mental Health Crisis"
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Foreign Honorary Member Award to Jean-Charles Rochet
AEA President-elect Larry Katz presenting the AEA Foreign Honorary Member Award to Michihiro Kandori
(L to R) Bevin Ashenmiller, Joshua Goodman, Claudia Goldin, and Martha Starr at the AEA President's Reception
Former AEA President Orley Ashenfelter and current President Janet Currie at the AEA President's Reception
AEA President's Reception
Pallavi Panda presenting at "Public Policy and Fertility"
Steve Liu presenting at "LGBTQ+ Economics Topics"
Isaiah Andrews speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "Econometrics for Transparency and Communication"
(L to R) Francisca Antman, Benjamin Hermalin, Jacob Vigdor, Lara Shore-Sheppard, and Zachary Bleemer at the "Future of Higher Education" panel
AEA President Janet Currie and attendees at the Small Group Breakfast Meeting for URM Scholars
AEA President Janet Currie and attendees at the Small Group Breakfast Meeting for URM Scholars
George Orlov presenting at "Supporting Better Research in Economic Education"
Abi Adams speaking at the new Recent Developments series on "Research on Gender, Violence, and Harassment"
Maria Montoya-Aguirre presenting at "Gender in the Economy"
(L to R) Former AEA Presidents Ben Bernanke and Christina Romer, Mark Gertler, Mary C. Daly, Emi Nakamura, and AEA Sec/Treas Peter Rousseau at "Ben Bernanke’s Contributions to Economics"
Ben Bernanke at the panel to honor his contributions to economics
Panelists from Ben Bernanke’s Contributions to Economics
Adrien Auclert presenting at "Is There a Core of Usable Macroeconomics We Should All Believe In?"
Cristobal Cheyre presenting at "Digital Economy: Advertising Platforms, Regulation, and User Behavior"
Floor discussion at "Bridging the Gap: Increasing Representation of Women in the Economics Profession, from Students to Faculty" (session chair Donna Ginther)
Giuseppe Ippedico presenting at "Immigration, Networks, and Integration: Evidence from the U.S. and Europe"
Committee member Donn Feir (L) presenting the CSQIEP Award for Outstanding Research Paper in LGBTQ+ Economics to Marcus Dillender
The 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, CA, on January 3-5, 2025.