AEA Papers and Proceedings

ISSN 2574-0768 (Print) | ISSN 2574-0776 (Online)


Vol. 109, May 2019

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Richard T. Ely Lecture
Big Data in the Modern Economy
The Impact of Digital Economy
Applied Machine Learning
Cryptocurrency Markets
Cultural Practices and Women's Lives
Gender in the Economics Profession I
Gender Inequality: Sources and Solutions
Shaping Norms
Race and Policing
Disenfranchisement, Discrimination, Debt, Dignity, and Labor Markets
Policy and Vulnerable Populations
Theory and Empirics of Dynamic Matching
Getting From High School Through College: Policies to Raise Educational Attainment
Human Capital in Lower and Middle Income Countries
Research in Economic Education
Economic Inequality and Air Pollution
Distributional Diversity in the National Accounts
Causes and Consequences of Rising Concentration in the United States Economy

Fading Stars

by Germán Gutiérrez and Thomas Philippon
(pp. 312–16)
Intentional and Unintentional Effects of Safety Net Programs
Sustainable Economic Growth and Well-Being
The Gig Economy
Rent Control
The Future of Economic Research Under Rising Risks and Costs of Information Disclosure
Monetary Policy Frameworks and the Zero Lower Bound
Using Micro Data to Understand Macro Aggregates
Job-to-Job Transitions, Labor Force Participation, and the Output Gap
The Next Crisis: From Where and Are We Ready?
Taxing in a Globalized World
Development and Financial History
Economic Consequences of Dominant Currencies
Topics in Economic Theory I
Topics in Economic Theory II
Foundations of Belief Formation: Perceptual and Cognitive Biases, Emotional Coloring, and the Role of Memory