JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018

ETH Zurich

This listing is inactive.
Department of Management, Technology and Economics
Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics
Post-Doctoral Position

JOE ID Number: 2018-01_111459998
Date Posted: 03/21/2018
Date Inactive: 07/31/2018
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Post-Doctoral Position
Section: International: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Zurich, SWITZERLAND
JEL Classifications:
H -- Public Economics
J1 -- Demographic Economics
D -- Microeconomics
G -- Financial Economics
Q5 -- Environmental Economics
I1 -- Health
Economics of Risk and Insurance
Decision Theory
Public Econonmics
Health Economics
Environmental Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics (Prof. A. Bommier) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) invites applications for a Post-Doctoral position.

ETH Zurich offers two-year contracts at competitive salary levels, renewable up to a maximum of six years.
The selected candidates are expected to conduct independent research in one of the following areas:

Economics of Risk and Insurance
Decision Theory
Public Economics
Economic Demography
Health Economics
Environmental Economics

He/she should develop a strong research record, aiming at publications in international journals.

Applicants should have a relevant PhD, or be close to finishing their PhD. We expect a solid quantitative/mathematical background, either related to economic theory or econometric methods. A strong interest for economic issues related to risk or uncertainty will be appreciated.

The position includes teaching of one course per year at the ETH Zurich (28 hours, in English).
The starting date is flexible. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Application Requirements:
  • Application Instructions Below
Application Instructions:
Complete applications should include a CV, a research paper and two or three reference letters. Please have the two letters of recommendation sent to us directly via email to: