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Research Highlights Article

Black market for appointments

July 26, 2021
Scalpers book free appointments online and then profit by selling them on secondary black markets. But there may be a simple solution.
Research Highlights Podcast

How policy shapes culture

July 21, 2021
Natalie Bau discusses the impact that pension reform had on traditional family arrangements in Indonesia and Ghana.
Featured Chart

To catch a polluter

July 19, 2021
Do emissions rise when regulatory agencies aren’t looking?
Research Highlights Article

Family ties

July 12, 2021
The relationship between kinship networks and war.
Research Highlights Podcast

More than a few bad apples

July 7, 2021
Steven Mello discusses discrimination within the Florida Highway Patrol and what it reveals about racial bias in the US.
Featured Chart

The fallout of bankruptcy reform

July 6, 2021
What are the economic consequences of making it more difficult for individuals to file for bankruptcy protection?