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Research Highlights Article

As farmers go, so goes the nation

March 25, 2019
How did agriculture help the US recover from the Great Depression in the spring of 1933?

Alan B. Krueger (1960-2019)

March 19, 2019
Economics profession saddened by loss of Princeton professor and former AEA vice president.
Research Highlights Podcast

Tech: economists wanted

March 15, 2019
An interview with Susan Athey and Michael Luca about the mutual influence between economics and the tech sector.
Featured Chart

Risky business

March 13, 2019
How did an insurance requirement force small drillers out of Texas' oil and gas industry?
Research Highlights Article

Bias on the bench

March 11, 2019
Judicial politics play a role in perpetuating racial and gender disparities in sentencing.