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The threat of ethnic politics

August 22, 2018
Misbehavior among Kenyan police officers increased following the rise of tribal politics.
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Lower premiums or higher profits

August 20, 2018
When private insurers get a boost in Medicare subsidies, how much do they pass on to consumers?
Research Highlights Article

Visible women

August 15, 2018
How much does having a female leader help shrink the gender gap for rank-and-file positions?
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Refusing to act on climate change

August 13, 2018
The outlook for meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement doesn't look good in an era of minimal policy intervention.
Research Highlights Article

The best defense money can buy

August 8, 2018
How should poor defendants be matched with a government-provided attorney?
Research Highlights Article

Taking professors' privilege

August 1, 2018
How does denying researchers full rights to their work affect startup activity at universities?