Conducting Research
1. Organize conferences, seminars, and visitor programs that are inclusive.
Each conference, panel, seminar series, or other forum should feature a diverse group of economists.
2. Ensure that the conferences and seminar discussions you host are constructive.
Setting and enforcing rules of responsible behavior by attendees at conference and seminar presentations can increase the quality of the intellectual exchange.
3. Provide equitable access to journals.
Ensuring that boards of editors at journals are diverse, that high standards of ethical and equitable behavior are set, and that referees adhere to them may help reduce biases in the editorial process.
4. Read and cite diversely; think inclusively.
Citing a diverse set of authors on syllabi and bibliographies and finding value in alternative research approaches can improve your research and the discipline.
5. Share research opportunities broadly.
Seeking diversity when identifying research assistants and potential collaborators can help counter existing biases.
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