AEA Professional Resources

AEA Ombuds AEA Ombuds Team: A resource for reporting harassment and discrimination

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Membership Brochure AEA Membership: Be a part of the future of economics

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ASSA 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting: January 3-5, 2025 in San Francisco, California

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CTREE 2024 CTREE: Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education

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AEA Website: Tools for Success AEA Website: Tools for your success

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AEA Research Resources

Research Highlights Flyer AEA Research Highlights: Feature selected articles published in AEA journals

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EconLit Brochure EconLit: Offering a comprehensive library of authoritative resources

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AEA Journals Brochure AEA Journals: Influential research in nine journals from the American Economic Association

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RCT Registry Brochure RCT Registry: Central source for randomized controlled trials in social sciences

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AEA Committees

AEA Committees Committees: Working to impact the profession in positive ways

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Committee on Economic Education AEA-CEE: Improving the quality of economics education

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CSMGEP Brochure CSMGEP: Supporting diversity in economics

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CSQIEP Brochure CSQIEP: Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in the economics profession

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CSWEP Brochure CSWEP: Advancing the status of women in economics

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Diversity and Inclusion in Economics

AEA Diversity Initiatives AEA Initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion: The AEA is committed to continued improvement

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AEA Best Practices Brochure AEA Best Practices: Building a more diverse, inclusive, and productive profession

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AEA Summer Program Brochure AEA Summer Training Program at Howard University: Preparing minority students for PhDs

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EDUCATE Workshop EDUCATE Workshop: Expanding Diversity in Undergraduate Classes with Advancement in the Teaching of Economics

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AEA Career Resources

JOE Network Brochure AEA JOE Network: The preferred hiring tool for the economics job market

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EconSpark Brochure AEA EconSpark: Discussion forum for economists at all career levels

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EconTrack Brochure AEA EconTrack: Job market information board

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AEA Awards

AEA 2024 Awards Recipients AEA 2024 Awards: John Bates Clark Medal, Distinguished Fellows, and Foreign Honorary Members

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Clark Medal Award AEA 2024 John Bates Clark Medal: Congratulations Philipp Strack!

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AEA Distinguished Service Award AEA 2023 Distinguished Service Award: Congratulations Christopher (Kit) Baum!

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AEJ Best Paper Awards American Economic Journal (AEJ) Best Paper Awards: Congratulations to the 2024 winners

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AEJ Best Paper Awards AEA 2023 Distinguished Economic Education Award: Congratulations Mark Maier!

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AEA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion AEA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion: Congratulations to the 2023 winners

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AEA Departmental Seed Grants for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion AEA Departmental Seed Grants for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion: Congratulations to the 2023 winners

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