CSWEP Survey & Annual Report

Women's representation in economics has increased since CSWEP first surveyed economics departments regarding the gender composition of faculty in 1972. CSWEP's annual report surveys some 250 departments annually with findings reported in the AEA Papers & Proceedings and reprinted in the CSWEP Annual ReportDepartment-level reports are provided to individual department chairs at the completion of the survey. 

In January 2013, Margaret Levenstein (University of Michigan) became CSWEP’s inaugural Associate Chair and Director of the Survey, charged with improving content, utility, and administration.  In January 2024, Joanne Hsu (University of Michigan), was appointed the Associate Chair and Director of the survey.  The full panel data from 1994 on is available at https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/ICPSR/studies/37118/Preservation of the department-level survey data has begun with the ultimate goal of providing researchers with an ongoing CSWEP Panel on the Gender Composition of Students and Faculty stretching back to 1972.

Read the full 2023 report in CSWEP News Issue I of 2024.

Annual Survey Results Video Presentation

2023 Video presentation (2022 results)
2022 Video presentation (2021 results)
2021 Video presentation (2020 results)