American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy

ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)

AEJ: Economic Policy Research Highlights

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Refusing the power to choose

November 22, 2017
Why are consumers slow to change energy providers even when they have a less expensive option?
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Debts and Disasters

August 21, 2017
Why did household debt decrease after Hurricane Katrina?
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Preventing teen pregnancies

August 16, 2017
When Colorado expanded access to long-acting reversible contraceptives, what impact did it have on teen birth rates?
Research Highlights Article

An offer you can't refuse

August 14, 2017
Did the Mafia exchange votes for construction contracts?
Research Highlights Article

Will work for insurance

June 23, 2017
Would expanding Medicaid make people less willing to hold a job?
Featured Chart

Hiring at home

June 21, 2017
How Saudi Arabia boosted employment and why its success was so costly
Research Highlights Article

You have the right to an attorney

June 6, 2017
Expanding access to legal counsel would benefit criminal suspects, but what about everybody else?