American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy

ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)

AEJ: Economic Policy Research Highlights

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Take it again

June 3, 2020
Retaking the SAT boosts scores and college enrollment, especially for minority and low-income students.
Research Highlights Podcast

Scrutinizing for-profit colleges

May 27, 2020
Stephanie Cellini discusses the ways students are affected in a much maligned industry.
Research Highlights Article

Beyond reproach

April 20, 2020
Can an advertising campaign act as a kind of corporate insurance in a disaster?
Featured Chart

Will work for insurance

March 16, 2020
Americans put off retirement to keep employer-provided prescription drug benefits.
Research Highlights Article

Keep it in the ground

February 28, 2020
How much does restricting the supply of federal coal reduce carbon emissions?
Research Highlights Article

Dreaming of an education

February 14, 2020
The DACA program significantly boosted high school enrollment for undocumented migrants.
Featured Chart

Foreign investment

February 12, 2020
Public research universities in states that have had severe funding cuts for higher education have also had large gains in international students.