AEA Membership Dues and Information

Membership Dues -
Individual members of the American Economic Association (AEA) receive online access to all the Association's journals as well as other member benefits. Membership dues are based on annual income.

Annual Income Membership Dues for 2025
Under $70,000 $50
$70,000 to $105,000 $75
$105,000 to $200,000 $100
Above $200,000 $150
Students1 $25
Individuals from a Low-Income Country2 $25

1Students must send a copy of their Student ID or email copy to
2Low-Income Country classification based on World Bank listing.

Effective February 1, 2024, the AEA no longer offers print journals for purchase.

JSTOR access to AEA journals is included in your membership at no additional cost!

After payment, online member benefits will begin immediately. We accept checks (in US dollars only, with correct coding for processing in US banks) and credit cards. Please choose one method: online, fax, or mailing the application. It is the Association's policy NOT TO REFUND dues.

It is important to include your email address and to keep it updated. Your email address is used for verification of services. In addition, we notify members of important dates, AEA news, and announcements via email.

Consult Membership FAQs for additional information or contact us.