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Research Highlights Article

Turning to cartels

June 12, 2019
When factories leave town, does violence get worse?
Research Highlights Article

Digging deeper into debt

June 7, 2019
Why would anybody want to keep taking on expensive high-interest loans?
Research Highlights Article

Introducing AER: Insights

May 28, 2019
The AEA interviews editor Amy Finkelstein about the launch of the organization's newest journal.
Research Highlights Article

A token of trust

May 24, 2019
How important are monetary systems in getting people to cooperate in large-scale interactions?
Research Highlights Article

The economics of anti-Semitism

May 15, 2019
The AEA interviews Sascha Becker about how the Protestant Reformation created competition and conflict between Christians and Jews.
Research Highlights Article

Good cop, bad cop

May 6, 2019
Can civilian allegations of officer misconduct be used to prevent future incidents?