Call For Papers
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AEA in the news
Public pensions are being overly optimistic
September 22, 2016
A column appearing in Bloomberg View highlights a 2009 Journal of Economic Perspectives piece about the precarious balance sheets of U.S. state public pension funds
Australian Conference of Economists (ACE) 2017
September 21, 2016
The Economic Society of Australia (NSW Branch) invites you to ACE 2017
AEA in the news
The little misfit buildings that make cities wonderful — and hold them back
September 20, 2016
Wonkblog covered an article published last month in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
AEA in the news
The Impact of Injuries on Player Valuation
September 20, 2016
The Hardball Times cited a classic piece on sports economics that appeared in the American Economic Review in 1974
SRCD Policy Fellowships
September 20, 2016
SRCD is seeking applicants for SRCD Policy Fellowships for 2017-2018
Research Highlights Article
A new way to measure the impact of charter schools
September 19, 2016
Video from the AEA explaining researchers' new approach to a burning question in the world of education
AEA in the news
Calorie posting on Starbucks Canada menus not likely to change coffee-buying habits
September 19, 2016
CBC News covered a 2011 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy study about calorie postings on the menu at Starbucks stores
AEA in the news
The role of beliefs in economics
September 19, 2016
Two articles from this summer's Journal of Economic Perspectives symposium about motivated beliefs in economics were featured in Mint
Call For Papers