AEA in the news
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Research Highlights Article
Did the introduction of the printing press bolster social capital in Africa?
July 25, 2016
How missionaries’ attempts to spread the written gospel can have unexpected side benefits
Research Highlights Article
Do Chinese government inflation data hold up to scrutiny?
July 18, 2016
Engel curves reveal a more complicated story about inflation and growth than official statistics
AEA in the news
Do Minimum-Wage Hikes Mean Healthier Babies?
July 14, 2016
A piece in The Atlantic cited a 2012 piece from the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy about the connection between family income and infant health
2016 Conference on Auditing and Capital Markets
July 14, 2016
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
AERA Grants Program
July 14, 2016
AERA announces its Fall 2016 AERA Grants Program application competition
Research Highlights Article
Are colonial-era borders drawn by Europeans holding Africa back?
July 13, 2016
How the “Scramble for Africa” may still be fueling ethnic conflict
Jeff Ely is joining the AER Editorial Board as a Coeditor (effective July 1, 2016), and Esther Duflo is becoming the new Editor-in-Chief (effective January 1, 2017)
July 11, 2016
The AER welcomes a new Coeditor and Editor-in-Chief
Research Highlights Article
What happens to women’s health when women’s health clinics disappear?
July 6, 2016
Evidence from clinic closures in Texas and Wisconsin