AEA Research Highlights Podcast

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The AEA conducts podcast interviews with AEA authors discussing their work as part of the AEA Research Highlights series. Listen to episodes posted below or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Episode 13: Populism's rise

October 14, 2020
Political scientist Yotam Margalit discusses why economic anxiety alone doesn’t explain the appeal of populist politicians.
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Episode 12: Taxing hidden wealth

September 30, 2020
Professor Daniel Reck discusses how the US found offshore tax havens and what more it can do.
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Episode 11: Reviving distressed communities

September 16, 2020
Tim Bartik of the Upjohn Institute on how economic development policy is shortchanging poor regions.
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Episode 10: What hurts minorities’ progress in economics?

September 02, 2020
Professor Gary Hoover discusses how to make the economics profession more welcoming to underrepresented groups.
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Episode 9: A century of women’s enfranchisement

August 19, 2020
Elizabeth Cascio discusses how generational change has contributed to the expanding political gap between men and women in the US.
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Episode 8: Wielding charity for political influence

August 05, 2020
Marianne Bertrand and Matilde Bombardini discuss how much of corporate philanthropy is really lobbying.
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Episode 7: Building barriers

July 22, 2020
Benjamin Feigenberg discusses the effectiveness of border walls on deterring migration.
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Episode 6: Autocracies in the information age

July 08, 2020
UCLA professor Daniel Treisman discusses how today’s dictators retain their power and how to fight back.
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Bonus Episode: The gender gap in economics

July 01, 2020
In an interview with the AEA in 2017, Amanda Bayer discusses sexism in the profession and what to do about it.
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Episode 5: Rethinking racial discrimination

June 24, 2020
Harvard professor Mario Small discusses how sociology can help economics expand the way it studies the effects of racism.
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