American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

What's best for the baby

April 6, 2018
The AEA interviews Maya Rossin-Slater and Petra Persson about the long-term impact of maternal stress during pregnancy.
Featured Chart

Guilty until proven innocent

February 26, 2018
How does being detained before trial affect the chances that a defendant will be found guilty?
Research Highlights Article

Home security

February 9, 2018
How much did unemployment benefits stabilize the housing market during the Great Recession?
Featured Chart

Moving up in the world

February 7, 2018
New research explains the link between redistributive preferences and perceptions of social mobility.
Research Highlights Article

What's in a name?

February 5, 2018
Two researchers propose a new standard for ordering coauthor names.
Research Highlights Article

Reconsidering the poverty line

December 22, 2017
Is the World Bank underestimating the minimum income needed to survive?