American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics

ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)

AEJ: Applied Economics Research Highlights

Featured Chart

Learning on the job

February 13, 2023
Does working while in school help students transition into the labor market?
Featured Chart

Life cycle income profiles

November 9, 2022
Lifetime earnings data provide insights on how average earnings for men and women in the United States have changed over time.
Research Highlights Podcast

Grade inflation and graduation

July 25, 2022
Jeffrey Denning discusses how lower grading standards have led to higher college completion rates.
Featured Chart

Lockdowns and depression

June 20, 2022
Did restrictions on mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a decline in mental health?
Research Highlights Podcast

The returns to an economics degree

May 31, 2022
Zachary Bleemer discusses why studying economics in college can lead to significantly higher career earnings.