American Economic Journal:
ISSN 1945-7669 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7685 (Online)
Forthcoming Articles
The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of the journal after being typeset and copyedited.
(Pro-)Social Learning and Strategic Disclosure
Holding Platforms Liable
Optimal Trade Mechanisms with Adverse Selection and Inferential Naivety
Unraveling and Inefficient Matching
Competition and Defaults in Online Search
Asymmetric Players in a Meritocracy: A Case for Affirmative Action
Monitoring Team Members: Information Waste and the Transparency Trap
Heterogeneous Noise and Stable Miscoordination
Free-Riding and Unequal Pay in Symmetric Teams
Asymptotic Learning With Ambiguous Information
Reputation and Efficiency: Information Design
Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model Of Experimentation in Standards Development
Church Tax Exemption and Structure of Religious Markets: A Dynamic Structural Analysis
Mergers, Entry, and Consumer Welfare
Bargaining and Information Acquisition
Contracting Environments and Efficiency in Markets With Hidden Information: An Experiment
Information Acquisition and Product Differentiation Perception
Persistent Protests
Free Entry in a Cournot Market With Overlapping Ownership
Severance Pay in an Optimal Contract
Ideological Bias and Trust in Information Sources
Strategic Thinking Skills: A Key to Collective Economic Success
Search Costs and Context Effects
Complementary bidding and the collusive arrangement: Evidence from an antitrust investigation
Optimal Contract Regulation in Selection Markets
Aggressive Pivots and Entrepreneurial Skill
Price and Choose
Global Giants and Local Stars: How Changes In Brand Ownership Affect Competition
Eliciting Ambiguity with Mixing Bets
Long-Term Relationships in the US Truckload Freight Industry
Triplet Embeddings for Demand Estimation
Estimating Models of Supply and Demand: Instruments and Covariance Restrictions
Commitment and Conflict in Unanimity Bargaining
One Man, One Vote
Eliciting Time Preferences When Income and Consumption Vary: Theory, Validation & Application to Job Search
Scoring Strategic Agents
A Random Dictator Is All You Need
The Inner Workings of a Hub-and-Spoke Cartel in the Automotive-Fuel Industry
The Modern Wholesaler: Global Sourcing, Domestic Distribution, and Scale Economies